Sunday, September 22, 2013

Kalau bengang

Org kata kalau ada yg berbuku di hati jgn disimpan, nnt blh sakit jiwa. Fine! Ni nk kuarkan segala yg bbuku di hati. Xpuas hati arini blk lmbt sbb org2 yg ptt dtg keje pagi ni kol 8 up till 8.30am xnmpk btg idung! Then nk pass over case bagi alasan like *^%#}{][!

Ey pls laa..aku ni smlm dh laa keje dlm kelaparan. Bz smpai ke pagi. Mata dh mcm anak beruang. Ngantuk gler. Anak kt rumah..hmm..miss her like crazy!! So, aku mmg ptt bengang rasanya!

It's ok..xlama kot bengang ni. InsyaAllah lepas abes type ni lega dh hati ni. Blh smbung blk keje ptg ni.. ;)

Friday, September 20, 2013

Super annoying..pfft!!

One hysteria patient brought in to ED today (well..i wonder where to refer..PSY ke ustaz ek?). Ok fine we called ustaz, done baca2 ayat quran then she awake. Once fully conscious we then allow her home. Suddenly she asked for mc. Ow ok..tak kesahlaa..i just give her one laa. Eh suddenly buat muka kerek, sehari je? Ohh..hello!! That mc is called surat sijil sakit. U xlayak pun utk mc bcoz u are not sakit. So i just reply..yup! Sehari jek. Pfft!!


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